Fitting Centre Prices from £495+vat plus Turnkey Service & basic service parts
Our workshop is a very busy yet efficient area and our reputation speaks for itself with a constant flow of customers from all over the country wanting us to carry out their full reconditioned engine installation. Our Turnkey and Fitting Services are customised to suit your needs and requirements. Our fitting engineers are VAG and Bosch qualified trained technicians, ensuring your Van, Bus, Camper or Beetle will be in the best hands. We take great pride in our skill, knowledge and effectiveness in this area and recommend if you are keen for us to complete a full installation for you that you contact us to discuss booking in advance.
Care is taken at all stages of the removal and re-installation process, and each vehicle is taken on at least 2-3 road tests under different road conditions until we are confident that the engine is running at its optimum level for you.
Splittys, Bay's, T25's, Beetles, Karmann, Chesil, Porche 356, whatever you have let us take care of it for you. Please feel free to visit us to discuss your requirements, we'd love to show you around.